Sunday, April 16, 2017

Panties Pizza Palembang

Congrats for the grand opening of panties pizza palembang,  I know it's little bit too late for that, but nevermind i just want you guys to know that this place is a HYPE! For those of you who love pizza with lot amount of cheese then this is yours! Keep reading.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Indigosh Cafe Palembang

Greatings fellas! Just visited this newly opened restaurant yesterday with my sister. Pertama tama aku pikir another indomie restaurant again in palembang? Cmon!?! So aku putuskan untuk lihat dan coba beberapa menu mereka disini. Keep Reading.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Indomie Abang Adek Palembang

AT LAST!! Salah satu store yang aku ga expect banget bakal hadir di palembang! Indomie abang adek arrived di palembang nih! Wow ini store jujur fenomenal banget di jakarta, dan ramenya minta ampun. Untuk di jakarta sih terletak di daerah jakarta barat yang aku paling sering kunjungin, tempatnya ga gede kayak kaki lima emperan gitu tapi termasuk luas, tapi kali ini di palembang tempatnya ? CHECK IT OUT!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pempek Nony New Branch Rivai Palembang

Super duper happy about this brand! Another congrats for this brand in palembang Pempek nony!! Aku pikir ini adalah salah satu brand pempek di palembang yang memiliki banyak banget branchnya di palembang nih. By the way, Ini akan jadi short review about it check it out!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Savoree Gourmet Palembang

New New New!!! Another newly opened place at kenten area!! So this afternoon me and my sister decided to visit this newly opened place. From the outside it's looks really nice with white and black theme. The place is not so spacious but consist of 2 floors, with the second floors is the most instagenic area if you love to take lot of pics. Check it out!