Thursday, December 28, 2017

Best 2017 Instagram and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018

Counting down to 2018, and yes im so happy to say that happy new year to all of you my friends! It's really nice and im so happy in 2017.

Im thankfully and so gracefull, wishing i can be more better in 2018 and so on, i hope that we can succeed together!

Goodbye 2017 and happy new year 2018!! 

Monday, December 25, 2017

Sari Laut Musi Palembang

Another Comeback nih!! GOOD NEWS Banget nih buat kalian semua, bagi yang kangen sama sari laut musi sekarang mereka buka di daerah rajawali nih! Untuk Tempatnya ini terletak disebelah bebek harissa nih, check it out!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas dinner And New Year Dinner Equatore 2017

Hello there!! So, i would love to say that christmas is near and new year is coming soon!! Some of you already know that i tried their newest menu for christmas dinner at equatore ! So here's the complete menu for christmas and new year eve! Book your seats FAST!!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Charlie 5 Resto Palembang

Greetings dari salah satu restoran yang favorit aku banget dari dulu nih!! Pasti udah pada tau dong tentang charlie 5 ? Restoran ini terletak diseberang kenten kedamaian permai tepatnya, dan udah lama banget ada di palembang. Check it OUT!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It's not what i usually do, reviewing karaoke place in palembang but they just called and they told me that this place it's so so different than others places. So i decided to give it a try what's the different about this place among others ?? check it out!

Friday, November 10, 2017


Congrats for the opening of  UNCLETETSU!!! As i writing this blog right now, it's 00.00 anyway, im really happy to tell you that, Uncle tetsu baru aja buka dari jakarta TODAY! Actually hari jumat itu mereka udah soft opening which is yesterday, dan today adalah grand opening mereka, dan YUP MEREKA ADA PROMO Only 8000!!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Martabak Yai Palembang

Hands down to most favorite dish in palembang, well actually not in palembang tapi kesukaan semua kota keknya lol! Oke kali ini aku bakal review about martabak yai, salah satu newcomer di palembang yang menurutku this one you should TRY!! Check it OUT!

BALE SOTO Palembang

News for all of you here folks! Udah pada nyobain bale soto palembang lom nih?So here's the news kemarin barusan mampir kesini dan nyobain beberapa menu mereka, so here we go!!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

COFI by Cozyfield Palembang

NEW NEW NEW!! Nah kali ini another new spot in town yang cukup oke nih! jadi kali ini ada new coffee shop tepatnya di cofi by cozyfield! Cozyfield sih udah banyak banget di jakarta, dan mostly sih tempatnya emang cozy. Untuk cofi ini terletak di gramedia world KM 7 lantai dasar ya! Well Check it OUT!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Transmart Mall Palembang

So, here's another BLOGPOST about Transmart, jadi kali ini aku bakal ceritain few tenants yang ada di transmart, klu kemarin aku lebih cerita ke trans studio kali ini aku bakal cerita tentang tenant tenant yang ada dilantai 1 ya. Check it OUT!

Dapoer Jade Palembang

If u guys already know about jade garden, then you should pretty sure to try this one too. Jadi klu kalian doyan sama Dimsumnya jade garden, maka kalian bisa coba disini. Untuk lokasinya ada di daerah kambang kecil, seberang alfamart yang gede dikambang kecil itu guys. Check it OUT!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

LOFT Outbound Palembang

Sharing another good place for your kids fellas, klu kemarin udah launching yang transmart nih kali ini ada yang baru lagi tapi di Palembang indah Mall ( PIM ). So LOFT ini baru aja opening dan for sure ini adalah tempat outbound sih tepatnya tapi bukan untuk anak anak aja, yang dewasa juga bisa nikmatin! Check it OUT!!

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Got to give you a good news nih guys! MONSTA EYESCREAM arrived in PALEMBANG!! Bagi yang belum tau ini apa sih sebenarnya? ini sebenarnya ice cream yang dulu sempet heboh banget di jakarta/ bandung nih, mereka basically ice cream tapi texturenya unik. Check it OUT!!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Trans Studio Mini Palembang

Yo hello guys!! SO THIS IS IT!!! Good news nih buat kalian semua Trans Studio mini opening NOW!!   Jadi kebetulan pagi pagi tadi udah dateng duluan dan yup masih agak sepi sih pas jam 10an dateng, and u know what pas jam 2 udah RAME BANGET lol! Udah susah banget cari parkir!! So aku bakal jelasin tentang mall yang baru buka ini ya Check it OUT!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Pindang Pagar Alam Simpang Bandara Palembang

Pindang merupakan salah satu makanan paling favorit banget di palembang, banyak banget tempat makan pindang di palembang salah satunya nih aku cobain kemarin di pindang pagar alam ( Simpang Bandara). Bagi yang belom tau, tempatnya ini ada di simpang 4 bandara, Pas banget di simpang 4 tersebut folks! Check it OUT!!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Burger Time Palembang

Another recommendation nih buat kalian yang pengen cariin burger, So aku ada sedikit review tempat burger time nih. Pertama kali waktu mereka buka aku inget banget mereka terletak di daerah bukit sana, sekarang mereka udah ada cabang baru di tengah kota tepatnya di seberang TVRI folks.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Serai Bistro Palembang

Welcoming another resto in palembang!!! Yeah!! I think this is it for me to try others restaurant and cafe as well folks, anyway fellas here's an exclusive review just for all of you my friends! Ini ada resturant baru banget buka di lantai 2 my kopi rajawali, namanya Serai Bistro And they're having promo 25% discount for this week!!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Bola Seafood Palembang

Another seafood recommendantion for you to try guys!! Nih kemarin barusan nyicipi salah satu restoran seafood di palembang dan got to tell you i had a nice experience here folks! Check it out!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Sop Kambing Bang Rudy Palembang

Just visited this not so newly opened place didaerah kambang iwak nih, kali ini aku bakal kenalin bukan cafe tapi sebuah restoran sop khas jakarta. Little bit story denger denger dulu yang tukang masaknya pernah kerja di dudung roxy jakarta, well u guys sure know kan dudung roxy tu salah satu sop paling famous di daerah jakarta right? Check it out!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Ayam Klenger Palembang

Helloo There!!! After quite some time udah ga update blog nih IM BACK RIGHT NOW!! So gonna bring you some of new restaurant in palembang and pretty sure this place is quite awesome for you to try guys!! So first post will be about ayam klenger palembang. Check it OUT!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Makan Bistro Palembang

Welcoming September folks! So guys apa kabar semua? udah lama banget keknya ga ada restoran baru nih di palembang, any idea apa yang baru guys?? Jujur aku bingung banget lately ga gitu banyak resto baru yang nongol di palembang, maybe i need little bit holiday? lol!!

Friday, August 25, 2017

Kepo Cafe Palembang

Gurame Asam manis
Sooooo kali ini aku bakal make mini review about kepo cafe palembang guys! Bagi yang belom tau let me introduce first ya, sebelumnya ini adalah restoran BOGA RASA yang ada di dempo. YUP!! Boga rasa yang di dempo itu adalah salah satu restoran favoritku dari dulu, yg berkonsep chinese food. check it out!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Savoree Chapter 2 Palembang ( NEW MENU )

Happy august for all of us! Ga terasa banged nih, udah jalan almost 2 years buat feastit nih! udah banyak banget restoran yang kita review dan thanks banget buat kalian semua yang uda support kita sampai sejauh nih ya guys! So anyway, aku ada good news buat kalian yang suka ke savoree, kali ini mereka barusan launching some new products guys! Check it out!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Inselcious Palembang

Another week dan another week, udah lama banget since last cafe buka di palembang nih. Kemarin kemarin sempet bosen banget, mana ya perkembangan cafe di palembang keknya udah lama banget belum ada yang baru. Tapi, minggu ini dapet kabar kalau ada cafe baru namanya inselcious! Apa itu inselcious? Check it OUT!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sederhana Tanjung Api Api Palembang

Kemarin sempet banget ada hype nasi liwet di palembang, makan rame rame dengan menu liwetan rite?? Well, Gimana nih pernah ga terbayang makan rame rame juga sama temen tapi pake menu ayam dan bumbu dari restoran Padang ? Lol yup! ini ada menu baru dari Resto sederhana cabang tanjung api api guys, PADANG KEKINIAN!! Check it out!!

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Hello from jakarta! Got a great news for all of you, Another GREAT Fine Dining concept from Potato Head Family, KAUM!!  From Hongkong - Macau - Bali and now it's finally here in JAKARTA! SO, let's get down to the food review and of course ambiance!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

KongDjie Coffee Palembang

Kongdjie coffee? Sounds familiar to you guys? lol! Established since from 1943 in belitung, and spread across indonesia, and its finally opened in palembang. The location itself located at dempo dalam ( Ex. Ocean net ). You can easily spot this place by using google maps and search ocean net. Check it OUT!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Fuko Suki Palembang

HIGHLIGHT TO ONE OF THE NEWLY OPENED SUKI IN TOWN! First of all thanks to my lovely friend and congrats for your first suki store! I do hope there's gonna be new one next, BIG HOPE for that!  For the address, Fuko suki located at Dempo, Across selatan indah. Check it OUT!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Monday, June 12, 2017

BlackBull Beer House Palembang

Introducing The Newest Beer house in town! Black bulls! Oh, I do really need to explain about this place, it's located at sukabangun 2, D'castle SPA. From the exterior you can see the decoration of the building looks like a castle, it's pretty cute from the outside.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Logo House Palembang

If you guys often pass by kambang iwak area, you will notice there's one big building that  under construction and HELL YEAH! It's another food place!  Not only selling food they also sell fashion stuffs. It's called LOGO HOUSE, Its a new branch from sukabumi, AND NOW IT's ALREADY OPENED! Check it OUT!

Friday, June 9, 2017


Who doesn't know Soto Bang kumis in Palembang? It's been running for few years in palembang and their soto still one of the best !! So Yesterday i had a visit, to a brand new Bang Kumis after they closed for 10 days renovation and finally (YEAY!!) They have opened again with a new ambiance and Of course with some new menus to try. Check it out!!.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nasi Goreng Kambing Mas bewok Palembang

Hei masih pada inget ga tempat makan nasi goreng kambing yang dulu pernah buka di veteran? Nah bagi yang inget dan kangen dengan nasi goreng mereka kalian bisa cobain nih!! Sekarang mereka buka tokonya di daerah kedaung nih. Check it out!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Sushi SO Palembang

Hey GUYS!! It's been a while since my last posts, Do you guys still remember sushi So? Here's a little bit post about the first japanese restaurant that people nearly forgot about it.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Gili Trawangan Palembang

Happy fasting month peeps! let bygones be bygones! So i've got a good news for you peeps! There's a newly launched resto in rajawali village palembang! WOW udah lama banget ga ada restoran baru nih di palembang guys, nih bagi kalian yang tanyain aku dimana sih kira kira tempat family resto atau buka bersama? here we go!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Restoran Kelapa Gading Soekarno hatta palembang

Hello guys!!! SO jika kalian pada lihat instastory ku hari ini kalian pasti sudah tau deh, kalau tadi aku nyicipin salah satu tempat makan pindang yang ada di soekarno hatta. Yup!! Bagi yang belom tau, namanya adalah pindang kelapa gading. Check it out!

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Another new place in town! This time im going to tell you about this newly opened place folks! It's called kings coffee. Well, its little bit tricky to to find this place actually, and certainly you need to find this POETRE SPA or just search Jalan jambu with google maps. 

Markobar Palembang

Welcoming markobar di palembang!! Cabang pertama nih markobar dari jakarta di palembang, markobar ini adalah salah satu martabak yang katanya sih rame banget karena punya anak presiden kita aka Bapak Jokowi. Check it out!!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Hello guys! Udah lama banget since my last post nih, So today aku bakal update tempat makan baru lagi nih guys di palembang. Namanya soerabi bandung ellen guys, Jadi soerabi bandung ellen ini dulunya ada di depan PIM guys di food truck saja dan ini adalah cabang ke 2 mereka yang sekaligus tempat nongkrong! Check it OUT!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Panties Pizza Palembang

Congrats for the grand opening of panties pizza palembang,  I know it's little bit too late for that, but nevermind i just want you guys to know that this place is a HYPE! For those of you who love pizza with lot amount of cheese then this is yours! Keep reading.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Indigosh Cafe Palembang

Greatings fellas! Just visited this newly opened restaurant yesterday with my sister. Pertama tama aku pikir another indomie restaurant again in palembang? Cmon!?! So aku putuskan untuk lihat dan coba beberapa menu mereka disini. Keep Reading.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Indomie Abang Adek Palembang

AT LAST!! Salah satu store yang aku ga expect banget bakal hadir di palembang! Indomie abang adek arrived di palembang nih! Wow ini store jujur fenomenal banget di jakarta, dan ramenya minta ampun. Untuk di jakarta sih terletak di daerah jakarta barat yang aku paling sering kunjungin, tempatnya ga gede kayak kaki lima emperan gitu tapi termasuk luas, tapi kali ini di palembang tempatnya ? CHECK IT OUT!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Pempek Nony New Branch Rivai Palembang

Super duper happy about this brand! Another congrats for this brand in palembang Pempek nony!! Aku pikir ini adalah salah satu brand pempek di palembang yang memiliki banyak banget branchnya di palembang nih. By the way, Ini akan jadi short review about it check it out!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Savoree Gourmet Palembang

New New New!!! Another newly opened place at kenten area!! So this afternoon me and my sister decided to visit this newly opened place. From the outside it's looks really nice with white and black theme. The place is not so spacious but consist of 2 floors, with the second floors is the most instagenic area if you love to take lot of pics. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Calories Overload Palembang

There you go now, Another New spot in town!! After huge succesfull with sushi sho, now they're going to open new store on their first floor. SO  What is calories overload? it's not gonna be about sushi anymore, This time they're going to served more casual and pretty dishes. Check it out!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wakaka Palembang

FINALLY!! One of the most favorite store in jakarta arrived in palembang folks! Wakaka finally opened at 22 march, and i'm really happy to share it to you guys! It's located at rajawali street and you can see this place clearly while you pass this street. Check it out!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

MAM Jakarta

Hello peeps!! Hey currently im in jakarta and seeing this one while visited senayan city. It's a new cafe located at senayan city own by several people and one of them is the famous actress in indonesia which is Dian sastro!! Keep reading.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wagamama Palembang

Hello march! What a beautifull month!! seneng banget di bulan ini banyak banget resto baru buka nih guys! Nih ada salah satu resto baru lagi yang konsepnya mirip banget dengan salah satu resto di indonesia. Check it out!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Everfresh Palembang

Good morning fellas! Anyway, i know it's not a new one but still i just want to post it on my blog because i do think that i never blog about this place after these years. Geez! Okay, no need to talk more let's GO!